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Jennifer : Being a "SAVVY Exchanger" 时尚与环保并行


KLC KosmicLanguageClub

Jennifer, a language learner in KLC   

An educater, artist, blogger and traveller from America           

Developping her environmental cause in Shanghai





KLC : Hi Jennifer, how are you? Thank you for accepting our interview. Could you briefly introduce yourself ?

KLC : 你好 Jennifer, 你今天怎么样?谢谢你可以参加我们这次的采访。你可以简单介绍一下你自己吗?

Jennifer : My name is Jennifer Stamm and I am a co-organizer of SAVVY Exchanger, which is a clothing and eco-friendly community that believes in circular fashion, for a sustainable world. We have monthly events, where we get together and either squat our books or exchange our clothing. We also have a big second hand market where we have sustainable venders and sustainability speakers, and then we are also working on sustainability workshops where we get together and make certain things like tooth paste and shampoos and our own products. That's in progress. But it's mainly to help to educate China a bit more on how to do more eco-friendly especially when they are consuming. 

Jennifer : 你好!我叫Jennifer Stamm,我是SAVVY Exchanger的组织者之一。SAVVY Exchanger 是一个与服装、环保有关的组织。我们的主要理念是循环、时尚、可持续。我们每个月都有活动,我们交换我们的衣服、书籍。有时候我们也会在我们自己的二手市场上分享我们关于的可持续想法,我们有自己的演讲。我们也和一些工作室合作,我们聚在一起,做一些特别的东西,比如环保的牙膏、洗发水还有其他东西。一切都还在进展中,但是我们真的希望可以让我们周围更多人,在消费的时候有更多的环保理念。

Jennifer in her event  洁娜在活动中

KLC : I notice that the name of your organization is SAVVY Exchanger, what is the meaning of this name?

KLC:我发现你的组织的名字是“SAVVY Exchanger”,它有什么由来吗?

Jennifer : Savvy means "practical". If you are a "Savvy Person", you think very well, you can do things easily, when there is a problem you can figure it out and make clever decisions. An exchanger is (speaking)"多duō少shǎo钱qián""How much…""I want this, you want this" , exchanging things.

Jennifer : Savvy 的意思是“有实效的”。如果你说“savvy person”,意思就是这个人想法很好,可以很轻松地完成很多事情,当他面临一个问题的时候可以指出问题的关键,做出聪明的选择。而“exchanger”就是做买卖、交换的人。


The "Savvy Exchangers" in event 

活动中的"Savvy exchangers"

KLC:Oh this name is quite interesting. What kind of things you mainly exchange?


Jennifer : We have 4 group chats on wechat. One is just a clothing exchange group that has 500 people in it already and one is like an all items exchange from furniture to books but no clothing. Another one is just a book exchange and the other one is a sustainable and ‘go green’idea exchange.

Jennifer : 在微信上我们有4个大群。第一个只是用来交换衣服,目前已经满了500人。第二个群用来交换除了衣服的其他生活用品,家具啊,书本啊什么的。第三个是仅仅针对书籍的交换,还有一个群是用来进行想法交流的,我们互换我们关于“绿色”的点子。


KLC:How often do you hold events ?


Jennifer : We have our second hand sustainability talk events, it’s a big event, once a month and we have a book squat, which is just a casual meet-up in a café, not a very big, once a month.

Jennifer : 我们每个月举办一次大型的谈话类活动,还有一些小型的二手书市场,这个就比较轻松,会在一些咖啡店的下午茶时段举办。这些小型的活动也是每月1次。


KLC : What about clothing events? I saw you shared photos, you had one two weeks ago. How did it go?

KLC : 可以着重谈谈你的服装交换活动吗?我看到你在微信上分享的照片了,应该是2个星期以前是吧。活动怎么样?

Jennifer : Really good, about 45-50 people attended, and the next one is on the 25th of August, Sunday, at Mute Garage on Yanping Road, J ingan, by the Guilin Road.

Jennifer : 那次活动非常成功,差不多有45-50个人来了,下一次是在8月25号,周日。在延平路靠近桂林路,Mute Garage。


KLC : Okay so now you will hold regularly events in this open space, you have developed cooperation relationship with them.

KLC : 哦我明白了,所以你已经与这个共享空间有了长期的合作关系,你会定期在那里开展活动是吗?

Jennifer : Yes the Mute Garage is helping to sponsor the events by providing space, and there are an eco-friendly scooter company.

Jennifer : 是的。这个地方赞助我们的活动,而且里面也有一家绿色环保电动车公司。


 Mute Garage  is one of the sponsors 

 Mute Garage 活动赞助者之一

KLC : Are you looking for more partnerships with other eco friendly companies?

KLC : 那你会追求与更多机构的商务合作关系吗?

Jennifer : We are kind of reaching out to other people who happen to have the same mindset so any one who is in secondhand clothing or maybe providing a new sustainable way, for example reusable bags or plastic. We've also reached out to Linwards which is a fitness group that also does travelling trips and they sponsored our last event by giving each person who came CNY100 voucher for their yoga class, and their classes are very good. We also talked to Boomi. They have sustainable products like bamboo tooth brushes; reusable makeup pads … so we reached out because we want their products at our events to be able to provide people with more everyday objects that we use that are more sustainable. That is the biggest thing : trying to reach out to people who are creating these everyday objects and things that we use that are more sustainable.

Jennifer : 我们会与恰巧与我们理念一致的公司或个人接触沟通。或是对衣服交换感兴趣,或是可以提供其他的可持续的产品。比如我们之前接触了Linwards,他们是一个健身俱乐部同时也管理一些旅游。他们赞助了我们上次的活动,给每位前来的顾客100元的瑜伽课代金券,他们的课真的不错!还有Boomi。他们会生产一些可持续的产品,比如用竹子做的牙刷,可重复使用的化妆垫等。我们与Boomi的合作是希望把他们的产品与我们的活动结合起来,给人们更多的、可持续的日用品选择。这也是我们最大的愿望,从每天,每件东西开始,让我们的生活更可持续化。


KLC : OK so the key words of your events are sustainable, second hand……

KLC : 所以你活动的重点,关键词就是可持续、二手……

Jennifer : We also try to educate on fast fashion, and consumers. The biggest thing here in China is——in America, people are more aware, I think and there is not just a stigma on second hand clothing so if I tell a friend everything I have on is second hand she would say "oh that's very cool and trendy". But in China if you say that, most people would say "ow that's gross" and it's more because Chinese "treasure" their clothing more and there is a whole feeling around every piece of clothing so they don't want to wear someone else's. But the problem with that is now there is 52 seasons instead of 4… so people are running to the stores and buying all the time and then throwing away even more. So if you tell them to donate, they think it's ok because you are donating and clothes go to the people who need it. But the problem with that is there is more clothing than there are needing people so the clothing is going to these centuries and they'll sell some of it but even there people don't want it so it just goes to the landfill and eventually goes to the ocean.

Jennifer : 我们也试着去改变目前的快时尚,第一步就是改变消费者。在中国最大的问题是想法。我觉得在美国,人们对二手市二手货没有羞耻的感觉。如果我对我的朋友说我身上的东西都是从二手市场那淘来的,他们会说“哦这很酷”,但是如果在这儿,更多的可能就是大家觉得那是粗野的。我觉得主要是因为在中国人们还是非常看重衣服带来的价值感,以及自己本身对衣服的感觉,所以不愿意去穿别人的衣服。但是目前的问题是,由于气候变化太快,我们已经不是4个季节而是52个了,人们总是跑去衣服店买很多衣服,然后发现太多了再丢弃他们。如果你说我们可以捐献,那大家会觉得可以接受,因为你会把衣服捐给需要的人,但是另一个问题是,衣服的数量远远超过所需要的人。所以衣服进入了这些国家,他们卖出了一部分,但是剩下的还是进入了垃圾填埋场,最后进入海洋。


KLC : Could you tell us more about it?

KLC : 可以详细聊聊这个点吗?

Jennifer : There are so many problems but another huge one with fast fashion is: the biggest clothing producers are China and Bangladesh. In Bangladesh there is a huge factory which is a very big sweatshop and that it actually collapsed and working conditions were so bad and many people died. So my point is that the working conditions are so bad in some countries. Not as much in China but in some third-world countries, that people can't live and are suffering a lot because with the more production — because the consumers' need are so high — that the pressure to produce is even higher, and the people that are in charge all of these workers, are just probably cruel and don't provide good working standards. Something is not working properly here because it's a three trillion dollar market and it's lucrative but we can't take care of the people who are providing for us. Many Americans would say that we are providing jobs for them and that's something to take into account but being American myself, it makes me sad because it should not be the best solution for them. We are just providing poor work conditions and very low revenues. Why do we have to provide jobs to them such a terrible job, it's not a good choice to make 2 dollars to 10 dollars a month, working in horrible conditions.

Jennifer : 快时尚有很多问题,但其中一个大问题是: 最大的服装生产商是中国和孟加拉国。在孟加拉国有一个巨大的工厂,这是一个非常大的血汗工厂,它之前倒塌了,很多人因此死去。所以我的观点是,一些国家(快时尚)的工作条件很差。在中国没有那么明显,但在一些第三世界国家,人们会因此难以生存,忍受无法想象的折磨。因为生产量越来越多——因为消费者的需求是如此之高——这产生了更多的压力,而负责生产的管理者却是残酷的,他们无意提供良好的工作环境。这些现象都是不正常的,因为这是一个三万亿美元的市场,利润丰厚,但我们无法照顾到为我们提供服务的人。许多美国人会说,我们正在为他们提供就业机会,这是我们为他们所创造的贡献。但作为美国人,这让我感到难过,因为这不应该是最佳解决方案。我们提供的工作条件很差,收入也很低。为什么我们要给他们提供这么糟糕的工作,一个月挣2到10美元不是一个好的选择。

The sweatshop collapsed in Bangladesh -Photos from the Internet


KLC : Who do you mostly want to share these kinds of 'education' with?

KLC : 这类教育,想法、理念,你最希望传递给谁呢?

Jennifer : I would love to start young because I think this is the generation now change the world. Because the older generations will be very slow to change and everyone in their 20's is mostly thinking "everything I do is for my job" so how can I stop my job and change my life? Everything is work and money. They want convenience and "fast". But I think if the new generation is educated on how that system is a bit broken and not really helping humanity, they will be more likely to provide new ways to create a better society.

Jennifer : 我希望是孩子,这是可以改变世界的一代人。上一代的人会较慢改变,20多岁的时候主要考虑的就是“工作”,我怎么可能停止我的工作,然后改变我的生活?生活的中心就是工作与挣钱。他们需要方便与“快”。但是我觉得如果新一代学会了去改变一点这个系统,这会改变整个社会。


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