MAN, his positioning and his impact on Nature.

Interviewee: Gender: Women, Age : 31, Education: Master, CSP: Contractor

What do you think of the place and responsibilities of humans in nature?

Oh, that's a very broad question, humanity is of great importance, sure, but I'm not sure its influence is as decisive as one might imagine.

Can you dig deeper?

It seems to me that humanity has very little influence over natural processes and development, even though we shape our environment in significant ways. Moreover, I could not say if what we know at the moment in this area has not already happened in the past or will not happen again in the future and even if humanity is very generally held responsible for the disappearance of many species of animals, they already disappeared before us! However, it remains clear that I cannot deny that we negatively impact our environment in many ways.

What should we do then?

Undoubtedly start, individually and as much as possible, to use our resources in the most reasonable way possible.

Where is China on this?

Let us take as a starting point, vegetation, trees: entire forests are currently planted in several deserts. We can also mention the drastic reduction in plastic bags: from 2021, the whole of China gradually prohibits supermarkets from selling plastic bags, so we are learning to bring our own fabric bags. Regarding the sorting of individual waste, since 1er July 2020, very strict rules have been imposed in the city of Shanghai, and are expected to expand to other cities in China soon, so we are learning whether or not we will all learn to sort everything. We can also mention policies to encourage the use of new energies for producers and users of cars. For example, Tesla super-factories have been very well received in Shanghai, mainly to stimulate the electric car market.

What about the animal condition in China?

Regarding animals "hunted, poached" for their fur or their leather, this is still a distant subject from our lives and it remains difficult to have an opinion but to put it simply, as long as there is demand. , there will be a market and it must be recognized that most people still prefer leather and natural furs.

Things are different with pets. We can evoke two types of cases: on the one hand, more and more Chinese are spending fortunes on their companions, sometimes almost as much as on their children, and the Chinese are notorious for not looking to the expense for their children. On the other hand, you should know that having a pet is allowed to everyone, which can lead to mistreatment and abandonment, not to mention that, sometimes, in deep countryside, they are eaten. At the moment, no animal protection law is properly established, although, in recent times, more and more people are asking for regulations on this subject, it seems that there is still a long way to go before those -Here are put in place.

What do you think of the vegan trend?

This trend is indeed more present and visible, but I am not and to illustrate my feeling on this subject, I will speak from my personal experience. Indeed, my grandmother, who became a Buddhist, once made the decision to stop eating meat. 20 years later, she was diagnosed with cancer. At this point, the doctors told him that without starting to eat meat again, treatment would be impossible. Several anemias having already made her too weak, my grandmother did not survive. It appears that by following a more common diet, she would have had good hopes of getting out ...

For my part, I did research to better understand the effects of veganism on health, and overall, what I learned is that humans are omnivorous and that many nutrients necessary for the balance of their health. are not obtained from plants. Of course, it is possible to use food supplements, but these supplements are, for the most part, themselves of animal origin, and it is difficult to determine whether producing more would not consume even more. resources. Not to mention that after all, the concept of a food supplement being to extract essential nutrients, this necessarily involves the creation of residues. To be continued ...

And since we discussed the VEGAN trend, why not broach the subject of vegetarians, who don't eat meat but fish? Fish, very good and why not, but what fish are we talking about, knowing for example that tuna and salmon are affected by marine pollution? And in the end, is it that different from eating pork or lamb? And if it is mentioned that beef farming is particularly bad for the environment, in particular because of the waste of water and cultivable spaces, I have not yet found analyzes proving that the quantities to produce and consume in plants to compensate for the nutrients present in the beef would not cost as much or more in resources, the land cultivated repeatedly losing for example in productivity, etc.

Without objective arguments, I will not be convinced.

A word for our French friends?

I love your pastries and would be very sad if you stopped putting eggs and butter in them!

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